Welcome to this small nook in the middle of the forest.
Please, come on in.
It is a warm, gentle, and safe haven.
Just like a spring in the forest,
this place is to stop time for a bit and to sit down and breathe.
Gently take a deep breathe in…………….a n d…………gently let it go.
When people find me here, they normally feel stuck.
In their life.
In their heart.
With the flow of life.
They are often tired, exhausted, and torn. Or they feel anxious and depressed. If you feel like this, it is natural, these are all signs that you are disconnected from your authentic and true self and living a life that is not accustomed to who you truly are.
I have been there, I get you.
You feel lost. Or you have lost a part of your self. You cannot find the answers by yourself. Your connection to yourself is simply – disconnected.
I am here to help you – to reconnect you to yourself.
To your heart, soul and spirit.
If this resonates with you – let’s connect for a reconnection session or forest lesson.
(+64) 02102 394 395
CLICK HERE to watch “re:connect”, my talk at PechaKucha