I love beauty.
In people, places, forests, mountains, in writing and sharing wisdom,
in living in the rhythm with nature, the moon phases, the seasons and nature’s miracles, the sacredness and connections.
I value a kind, slow, simple, adventurous and gentle life.
Behind the scenes:
Soul place in South Tyrol (Italy) near the Dolomites. Born in Munich (Germany) into a famous artist family. Living in Aotearoa (New Zealand) since 19 years. Based at the foothills of an extinct volcano in Otautahi Christchurch, protected by century old oak trees and swooping fantails. Surrounded by high vibrational places and people, spending hours in nature and connecting with all that is. Mater to three young adults. Creating art outdoors. Painter since 2001 and photographer since 2003. Co-published the first book in 2010, currently creating a book about life’s wisdom titled “Steph’s world”. Exhibiting at solo and group exhibitions since 2003, currently working on the solo exhibition “people of impact”. Invited to podcasts and stages. Involved in projects all over the world – next stop Paris.
Ponderings with INSPIRATORS
Ponderings with SEEDS
Ponderings with PECHAKUCHA
Loving life.
I am looking forward to getting to know you. Let’s connect!
stephanie @ stephaniedefregger.com