soul photography » New Zealand soul photography

Christchurch family portrait photography – Katrina, Tim, Ollie, Toby, Matilda and Beau


Family homes.

It is always exciting for me to visit families and see how they live. The place where you as a family normally run around and play – that is real life and that is great for creating memories everyone can relate to looking at the photos afterwards. The smiles, giggles, chasing each other (or a ball) – that is what real life is. Not staged in a studio with white walls.

Come with me….



2014-06-09_00292014-06-09_00172014-06-09_00222014-06-09_00232014-06-09_0030Thank you for inviting me as your family portrait photographer. I loved it. 🙂 x

photography: Steph by HANDMADE PHOTOGRAPHY


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