soul photography » New Zealand soul photography



“Stephie brought me much more than photographs. She swept in with hope and encouragement and vision, lifting me out of the ordinary and into another realm that I had almost forgotten – the world of possibility, childhood miracles and new imaginings that needed this doula to help me birth them! Her photographs somehow ‘saw’ me and my life in a way that I haven’t experienced before. It touched me so deeply.” xx Clare


Every product, service and business has a soul too.


“Stephanie’s energy, care and organic flow simply allowed me the space to express myself. She is a creative genius with so much passion and soul. She truly sees you~ your authentic self and captures your essence in her exquisite photographs. This is not your normal photography experience!”  Camila




Clare is a rare jewel, creating goodness by drawing cards with positive messages for young girls. Inspired by her cat Clarabelle and the beautiful whenua, her positive messages uplift and empower… CLICK HERE for a peek of our time spent together.




Anna is a food magician who transforms chutneys, sauces and jams into delicious masterpieces. She has been awarded with Gold and Silver for her creations and you can buy them all over NZ… CLICK HERE for a peek of our time spent together.